David Glantz Products

Art of War Transcripts

Formerly Classified Soviet General Staff,
Main Naval Staff Studies and Other Articles

Special Studies

Red Army Combat Operations


Memoirs of War


Additional Research Materials


Art of War Transcripts

1984 Art of War Symposium
From the Don to the Dnepr: Soviet Offensive Operations, December 1942-August 1943: A Transcript of Proceedings (unbound reprint with 590 pages and 77 maps).
Catalog Glantz-T-001 -- $65

1985 Art of War Symposium
From the Dnepr to the Vistula: Soviet Offensive Operations, November 1943-August 1944: A Transcript of Proceedings (unbound reprint with 750 pages and 76 maps).
Catalog Glantz-T-002 -- $95

1986 Art of War Symposium
From the Vistula to the Oder: Soviet Offensive Operations, October 1944-March 1945: A Transcript of Proceedings (unbound reprint with 803 pages and 400 maps).
Catalog Glantz-T-003 -- $95

Formerly Classified Soviet General Staff, Main Naval Staff Studies and Other Articles

The Battle for Kursk: The Soviet General Staff Study
(253 pages and 38 maps).
Catalog Glantz-G-001 -- $55

The Korsun'-Shevchenkovskii Operation (The Cherkassy Pocket) (January-February 1944): The Soviet General Staff Study
(208 pages and 45 maps).
See also the Atlas of the Korsun’-Shevchenkovskii Operation (the Cherkassy Pocket) (25 January-17 February 1944).
Catalog Glantz-G-002 -- $40

The Belorussian Operation: The Soviet General Staff Study
(339 pages and 80 maps).
Catalog Glantz-G-003 -- $59

L'vov-Sandomierz 1944: The Soviet General Staff Study (July-August 1944)
(242 pages and 54 maps).
See also the Atlas of the L’vov-Sandomierz Operation (13 July-29 August 1944).
Catalog Glantz-G-004 -- $45

Soviet Northern Fleet Diversionary Operations in Motovskiy Bay, September 1942: The Naval Main Staff Study
(33 pages and 6 maps).
Catalog Glantz-G-005 -- $12

Documents on the Western Front’s Combat Operations, 22 June-5 July 1941
(220 pages and 4 maps). Includes daily and periodic reports prepared by the Western Front and its subordinate headquarters during the initial period of the war.
See also the Atlas and Operational Summary of the Border Battles, 22 June-1 July 1941.
Catalog Glantz-G-006 -- $40

Documents on the Northwestern Front’s Combat Operation, 22 June-9 July 1941
(230 pages and 13 maps). Includes daily and periodic reports prepared by the Northwestern Front and its subordinate headquarters during the initial period of the war.
See also the Atlas and Operational Summary of the Border Battles, 22 June-1 July 1941.
Catalog Glantz-G-007 -- $45

The Southwestern Front’s Operations along the Khar’kov Axis in May 1942
(129 pages and 30 maps). A detailed description of all aspects of the Southwestern Front’s ill-fated May 1942 offensive.
See also the Atlas and Survey, The Soviet Khar’kov Offensive, 12-29 May 1942.
Catalog Glantz-G-008 -- $40

The Combat Operations of the Briansk and Voronezh Fronts along the Voronezh Axis in the Summer of 1942
(71 pages and 12 maps). A detailed account of Soviet offensive planning in April and May 1942 and the struggle in the Voronezh region from 28 June-October 1942 (during German Operation Blau).
See also the Atlas of Operation Blau: The German Advance to Stalingrad, 28 June-18 October 1942.
Catalog Glantz-G-009 -- $22

Red Army Operations, August 1938-March 1940
The Czech Crisis, the Battle at Khalkhin-Gol, the Liberation of Western Belorussian Western Ukraine, and Bessarabia, and the Soviet-Finnish War (90 pages and 8 maps prepared by the Soviet Armed Force’s General Staff Academy).
Catalog Glantz-G-010 -- $22

Instructions for the Breakthrough of a Positional Defense (Draft [Proekt]), 1944
(129 pages). The Red Army General Staff’s manual for conducting penetration operations.
Catalog Glantz-G-011 -- $27

Fighting for a City
Based on the Red Army’s Experiences in its Assault on the City of Königsberg, 6-9 April 1945. (34 pages). General K. Galitsky, the commander of the 11th Guards Army, describes in detail the combat techniques his army employed in the assault on this German fortress city.
Catalog Glantz-G-012 -- $12

In the Tracks of a Tragedy
Reflections on the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War, June 1941. (65 pages). Colonel R. Savushkin candidly assesses how and why the Red Army suffered catastrophic defeat during the initial days of the Soviet-German War.
Catalog Glantz-G-013 -- $17

Provisional [Tentative] Field Service Regulations of the Red Army [RKKA] 1936
(143 pages).
Catalog Glantz-G-014 -- $35

Special Studies

Red Army Command Cadre (1941-1945), Vol. I
Direction, Front, Army, Military District, Defense Zone, and Mobile Corps Commanders (150 pages).  Describes and assesses the Red Army’s command cadre at these levels from 1941-1945.
Catalog Glantz-S-001
-- $30

Red Army Command Cadre (1941-1945), Vol. II
Profiles in Command at Main Direction, Front, Army, and Corps Level (113 pages and 24 figures). Includes biographical information and command profiles of the Red Army’s command cadre at these levels, including senior engineer, artillery, air defense, and aviation commanders.
Catalog Glantz-S-002 -- $25

Red Army Command Cadre (1941-1945), Vol. III
Military Training Institutions, Improving the Officer Corps’ Stature, and the Memoirs of a Student-Officer (69 pages and 6 figures).  Includes information on command cadre education and training at higher military academies (the Voroshilov General Staff Academy, the Frunze Academy, and the “Vystrel” Schools and Courses) and mid- and lower level military training institutions (armored and mechanized, artillery, engineer, signal, rear service support, air force, and national air defense forces), and concludes with the memoirs of Junior Lieutenant E. D. Moniushko, a student-officer at the 1st Tomsk Artillery Academy
-- $25 

The Red Army Soldier (1941-1945)
(106 pages and 9 figures).  Describes the Red Army’s conscription and mobilization procedures on the eve of the war and during wartime; its ethnic composition and employment of women, convicts, political prisoners, and labor deportees; its formation and combat employment of penal units and blocking detachments; and the everyday life of the common soldier, including food and clothing, political control, discipline, motivation, and morale
-- $25 

Red Army Weaponry and Equipment (1941-1945)
(72 pages, 25 figures, and over 100 illustrations).  Describes the Red Army’s combat weaponry and other equipment, including pistols, rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, antitank weapons, aero-sleighs; field, antitank (tank destroyer), antiaircraft, multiple-rocket launcher, and self-propelled artillery; tanks; armored personnel carriers, trucks, aircraft, mines, minesweepers, bridging, radios, radio-teletypes, field telephones, flame bottles, flame-throwers, and smoke generating equipment
Catalog Glantz-S-005 -- $20 

August Storm: The Soviet 1945 Strategic Offensive in Manchuria
(250 pages, 41 maps, 7 figures, 19 tables, and revised orders of battle) [a reprint of Leavenworth Paper No. 7 (February 1983)].
See also the Atlas of the Far Eastern Campaign (August-September 1945) listed below
-- $45

August Storm: Soviet Tactical and Operational Combat in Manchuria, 1945
(220 pages, 26 maps, 1 figures, and 16 tables) [a reprint of Leavenworth Paper No. 8 (June 1983)].
See also the Atlas of the Far Eastern Campaign (August-September 1945) listed below
Catalog Glantz-S-007 -- $31 

Red Army Ground Forces in June 1941
(80 pages and 4 maps).  Describes the Red Army’s composition and mobilization from 22 June-31 December 1941.
-- $22

Red Army Officers Speak! Interviews with Veterans of the Vistula-Oder Operation
(January-February 1945) (137 pages and 2 maps).  Includes an operational summary and the eyewitness testimony of 17 Soviet officers.
Catalog Glantz-S-009 -- $30 

The Red Army in 1943: Strength, Organization, and Equipment
(245 pages and 107 figures).  Describes the composition, organization (establishments, TO&Es, [shtat]), strength, and weaponry of virtually all Red Army combat, combat support, and combat service support forces and NKVD forces, including road, railroad, construction, and penal [disciplinary] troops.
-- $30 

The Red Army in 1943: Central Command and Control Organs and Leaders
(175 pages and 19 figures).  Describes the Red Army’s wartime command and control, administrative, and logistical organs and the officers who led them, based on newly-released NKO, Stavka, and General Staff orders, directives, and regulations. 
Catalog Glantz-S-011
-- $25 

The Soviet-German War 1941-1945: Myths and Realities: A Survey Essay
(97 pages and 10 maps).  Surveys wartime military operations, including the eight seasonal campaigns, all major and most minor operations, “forgotten battles,” enduring historical controversies, and the relationship between operations on the Soviet-German and other wartime fronts. 
Catalog Glantz-S-012
-- $25 

Soviet War Experiences: Tank Operations
(131 pages and 3 maps).  The Red Army General Staff’s assessment of the operations of its tank and mechanized corps during the winter of 1942-1943. 
Catalog Glantz-S-013
-- $30 

Soviet Mobilization in Peace and War, 1924-1942: A Survey
(66 pages and 11 maps).
Catalog Glantz-S-014
-- $20 

Deep Attack: The Soviet Conduct of Operational Maneuver
(126 pages and 17 maps).
Catalog Glantz-S-015
-- $30 

Soviet Defensive Tactics at Kursk (July 1943)
(a reprint of CSI Report No. 11) (70 pages).
Catalog Glantz-S-016
-- $18 

The Strategic and Operational Impact of Terrain on Military Operations in Central and Eastern Europe
(65 pages and 34 maps).
Catalog Glantz-S-017 -- $18 

The Motor-Mechanization Program of the Red Army during the Inter-War Years
(61 pages).
Catalog Glantz-S-018
-- $18

Soviet Operational Intelligence in the Battle of Kursk (July 1943)
(70 pages and 42 maps).
Catalog Glantz-S-019
-- $18 

Forgotten Battles of the German-Soviet War (1941-1945): Overview
(55 pages and 16 maps).
Catalog Glantz-S-020
-- $16

The Ghosts of Demiansk: Soviet Airborne Operations against the German Demiansk Pocket (6 March-8 April 1942)
(50 pages and 8 maps). 
Catalog Glantz-S-021
-- $15

The Nature and Postwar Implications of Soviet Military Strategy during the Second World War
(59 pages). 
Catalog Glantz-S-022
-- $16

Soviet Military Strategy during the Second Period of the Soviet-German War (November 1942-December 1943)
(52 pages and 9 maps). 
Catalog Glantz-S-023
-- $16

Soviet Military Strategy vis-à-vis Japan (1921-1945)
(45 pages). 
Catalog Glantz-S-024
-- $15

Soviet Operational Art and Tactics in the 1930’s
(33 pages). 
Catalog Glantz-S-025
-- $12

Soviet Strategic and Operational Deception [Maskirovka] in Transition: The Second Period of the Soviet-German War
(November 1942-December 1943) (256 pages and 73 maps). 
Catalog Glantz-S-026
-- $45

Soviet Operational and Tactical Intelligence [Razvedka] in the Vistula-Oder Operation (January 1945)
(199 pages and 8 maps). 
Catalog Glantz-S-027
-- $36

Soviet Tactics during the Latter Period of World War II: Breakthrough and Pursuit
(43 pages).  Prepared by senior German officers working for U.S. Intelligence organs after war’s end on the basis of captured German documents. 
Catalog Glantz-S-028
-- $16

“What If?”  The German Eastern Front in 1941 Revisited
(44 pages and 12 maps). Includes possible alternative scenarios had Hitler reached different decisions in 1941. 
Catalog Glantz-S-029
-- $16

“What If?”  On to Berlin: The Allied Advance on Hitler’s Lair, April 1945
(59 pages and 7 maps).  Includes a possible alternative scenario had U.S. and British forces been permitted to advance on Berlin on 16 April 1945. 
Catalog Glantz-S-030
-- $18

Red Army Combat Operations

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War (1941-1945) Describes forgotten, overlooked, or covered up battles and operations conducted during each of the eight campaigns of the Soviet-German War. Exploits German and newly-released Soviet archival materials, including Stavka, NKO (Peoples’ Commissariat of Defense), and front orders and transcripts of Stalin’s conversations with his subordinates and includes numerous German and Soviet archival maps.

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War, Volume 1
The Summer-Fall Campaign (22 June-4 December 1941) (111 pages and 62 maps). Describes eleven forgotten operations conducted within the context of German Operation Barbarossa.
Catalog Glantz-C-001 -- $25

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War, Volume II
The Winter Campaign (5 December 1941-27 April 1942) (158 pages and 44 maps). Describes eight forgotten operations conducted in the Leningrad, Demiansk, Kursk, Orel, and Crimean regions within the context of the Red Army’s counteroffensive at Moscow.
Catalog Glantz-C-002 -- $35

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War, Volume III
The Summer Campaign (12 May-18 November 1942) (195 pages and 68 maps). Describes fourteen forgotten operations conducted in the Demiansk, Rzhev, Zhizdra, Voronezh, and Donbas regions within the context of German Operation Blau .
Catalog Glantz-C-003 -- $40

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War, Volume IV
The Winter Campaign (19 November 1942-21 March 1943) (438 pages and 138 maps). Describes sixteen forgotten operations conducted in the Leningrad, Demiansk, Staraia Russa, Rzhev, Sychevka, Orel, Sevsk, and Donbas regions within the context of the Red Army’s counteroffensive at Stalingrad.
Catalog Glantz-C-004 -- $68

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War, Volume V, Part One
The Summer-Fall Campaign (1 July-31 December 1943) (420 pages, 185 maps, and 12 figures) describes seventeen forgotten operations conducted in the Donbas, Caucasus, Leningrad, and Belorussian regions from July-October.
Catalog Glantz-C-005 -- $66

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War, Volume V, Part Two
The Summer-Fall Campaign (1 July-31 December 1943) (449 pages, 258 maps, and 18 figures) describes fifteen forgotten operations conducted in the Belorussian, Kiev, and Krivoi-Rog and Nikopol’ regions from October-December.
Catalog Glantz-C-006 -- $70

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War, Volume VI, Part One
The Winter Campaign (24 December 1943-April 1944) (291 pages, 159 maps, and 11 Figures) describes ten forgotten operations along the northwestern axis.
Catalog Glantz-C-007 -- $50

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War, Volume VI, Part Two
The Winter Campaign (24 December 1943-April 1944) (453 pages, 235 maps, and 31 figures) describes fourteen forgotten operations along the western axis.
Catalog Glantz-C-008 -- $70

Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War, Volume VI, Part Three
The Winter Campaign (24 December 1943-April 1944) (524 pages, 247 maps, and 18 figures) describes four forgotten operations along the southwestern axis.
Catalog Glantz-C-009 -- $75

The Battle for Smolensk, 7 July - 10 September 1941
(137 pages, 34 maps, and opposing orders of battle).
See also the Atlas of the Battle of Smolensk, 7 July-10 September 1941.
Catalog Glantz-C-010 -- $30

Combat Documents on the Struggle for Stalingrad City, Volume 1: 3 September - 18 November 1942
(149 pages). The book contains an unprecedented array of German and Soviet archival documents regarding opposing orders of battle and combat strengths, daily troop dispositions, and combat orders, including OKW communiqués, Stavka directives, Soviet General Staff and OKH daily operational summaries, army group, front, and army orders, and excerpts from the 62nd Army’s daily combat journal and those of many of its subordinate formations.
Catalog Glantz-C-011 -- $35

Combat Documents and Chronology on the Battle for the Caucasus, Volume 1: 31 July - 18 November 1942
(243 pages and 18 maps, with opposing orders of battle).
Catalog Glantz-C-012 -- $50

Combat Documents and Chronology on the Battle for the Crimea, Volume 1: 9 September - 31 December 1941
(238 pages and 62 maps, with opposing orders of battle).
Catalog Glantz-C-013 -- $50


Atlas of the War on the Eastern Front (1941-1945)
(85 maps). Portrays all major and most minor wartime operations.
Catalog Glantz-A-001 -- $25

Atlas and Operational Summary of the Border Battles, 22 June-1 July 1941
(192 maps, a 32-page operational summary, and 11 pages of opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of daily situation maps for each operational sector, Soviet and German archival maps, and detailed maps of the major tank battles during the first ten days of the war. It includes unprecedented coverage of German intelligence estimates and graphic descriptions of the once obscure but significant tank battles at Kelme, Raseiniai, Grodno, Kobrin, Lutsk, Rovno, Dubno, and Brody.
See also Documents on the Western Front’s Combat Operations, 22 June-5 July 1941 and Documents on the Northwestern Front’s Combat Operation, 22 June-9 July 1941.
Catalog Glantz-A-002 -- $85

Atlas of the Battle of Smolensk, 7 July-10 September 1941
(192 maps and 25 pages of opposing orders of battle). This definitive large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of Soviet and German archival maps covering all operational and tactical aspects of this massive and complex operation. Includes unprecedented detail on Soviet offensive actions at Lepel’, Zhlobin, Bobruisk, Smolensk, Dukhovshchina, El’nia, and Novozybkov, and German offensive operations around Smolensk and at Velikie Luki and Toropets, including Guderian’s famous southward turn.
See also The Battle of Smolensk, 7 July-10 September 1941.
Catalog Glantz-A-003 -- $85

Atlas of the Battle for Kiev, Part I: Penetrating the Stalin Line and the Uman’ Encirclement, 2 July-9 August 1941
(121 maps, a 10-page operational summary, and 8 pages of opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains German Army High Command (OKH) Lage Ost daily situation maps depicting actual German and suspected Red Army force dispositions, blown-up maps detailing Axis operations and Red Army counterattacks and counterstrokes, and translated Soviet archival maps depicting Red Army force dispositions throughout this phase of the battle for Kiev, as well as complete orders of battle for the opposing forces as of 1 July and 1 August 1941. Graphically depicts in detail Army Group South’s penetration of the Stalin Defense Line, the First Panzer Group’s advance to Kiev, the subsequent encirclement of the Soviet 6th and 12th Armies at Uman’, the Soviet 5th, 6th, and 26th Armies’ counterstrokes, and the German Sixth Army’s assault on Kiev during early August.
Catalog Glantz-A-004 -- $60

Atlas of the Battle for Kiev, Part II: The German Advance to the Dnepr River, 9-26 August 1941
(83 maps, a 10-page operational summary, and 8 pages of opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains German Army High Command (OKH) Lage Ost daily situation maps depicting actual German and suspected Red Army force dispositions, blown-up maps detailing Axis operations and Red Army counterattacks and counterstrokes, and translated Soviet archival maps depicting Red Army force dispositions throughout this phase of the battle for Kiev, as well as complete orders of battle for the opposing forces as of 1 August and 1 September 1941. Graphically depicts in detail Army Group South’s encirclement battles with the Soviet 18th and 9th Armies in the Nikolaev region, the First Panzer Group’s advance to the Dnepr River’s “great bend,” the battles for Krivoi-Rog, Dnepropetrovsk, and Zaporozh’e, the German seizure of bridgeheads over the Dnepr River, the Soviet 26th Army’s counterstroke near Boguslav, and the German Sixth Army’s advance across the Dnepr River north of Kiev.
Catalog Glantz-A-005 -- $50

Atlas of the Battle for Kiev, Part III: The Encirclement and Destruction of the Southwestern Front, 25 August-26 September 1941
(193 maps, a 10-page operational summary, and 7 pages of opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains German Army High Command (OKH) Lage Ost daily situation maps depicting actual German and suspected Red Army force dispositions, blown-up maps detailing Axis operations and Red Army counterattacks and counterstrokes, and translated Soviet archival maps depicting Red Army force dispositions throughout this phase of the battle for Kiev, as well as complete orders of battle for the opposing forces as of 1 September and 1 October 1941. Graphically depicts in detail the southward advance by Army Group Center’s Second Army and Second Panzer Group to and across the Desna River, German attacks and Soviet counterstrokes in the Chernigov, Korop, and Konotop regions, Army Group South’s seizure of the Kremenchug bridgehead, the encirclement and destruction of the Southwestern Front, and Soviet attempts to relieve their encircled forces.
Catalog Glantz-A-006 -- $85

Atlas of the Battle for Bessarabia and the Southern Ukraine, 22 June-7 September 1941
(79 maps, an 11-page operational summary, and 8 pages of opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains German Army High Command (OKH) Lage Ost daily situation maps depicting actual German and suspected Red Army force dispositions, blown-up maps detailing Axis operations and Red Army counterattacks and counterstrokes, and translated Soviet archival maps depicting Red Army force dispositions throughout operations in this sector, as well as complete orders of battle for the opposing forces as of 22 June, 10 July, 1 August, and 1 September 1941. Graphically depicts in detail Army Group South’s advance through Bessarabia, the Stalin Defense Line, and southern Ukraine during July, August, and early September, including German attempts to encircle the Soviet 9th and 18th Armies in the Bershad’, Kotovsk, Berezovka, and Nikolaev pockets, the initial stages of the siege of Odessa, and the German exploitation to and across the lower Dnepr River.
Catalog Glantz-A-007 -- $50

Atlas of the Battles for Khar’kov and the Donbas, 26 September-31 October 1941
(99 maps, an 15-page operational summary, and 8 pages of opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains German Army High Command (OKH) Lage Ost daily situation maps depicting actual German and suspected Red Army force dispositions, blown-up maps detailing Axis operations and Red Army counterattacks and counterstrokes, and translated Soviet archival maps depicting Red Army force dispositions throughout the battles for Khar’kov and the Donbas region, as well as complete orders of battle for the opposing forces as of 1 October and 1 November 1941. Graphically depicts in detail Army Group South’s offensive operations to capture the Khar’kov and Donbas regions, including the Sixth and Seventeenth Armies’ advance to Khar’kov and the Northern Donets River, the First Panzer and Eleventh Armies’ encirclement of the Soviet 9th and 18th Armies near Melitopol’, and the First Panzer Army’s advance to the approaches to Rostov.
Catalog Glantz-A-008 -- $58

Atlas of the Siege of Odessa (22 August-16 October 1941) and the Conquest of the Crimea (8 September-28 November 1941)
(96 maps, a 7-page operational summary, and 12 pages of opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains German Army High Command (OKH) Lage Ost daily situation maps depicting actual German and suspected Red Army force dispositions, blown-up maps detailing Axis operations and Red Army counterattacks and counterstrokes, and translated Soviet archival maps depicting Red Army force dispositions throughout the siege of Odessa and the conquest of the Crimea, as well as complete orders of battle for the opposing forces as of 22 August, 3 September, 1 October, 1 November, and 1 December 1941. Graphically depicts various stages of the Fourth Rumanian Army’s siege of Odessa, the Eleventh German Army’s September and October battles to penetrate Soviet defenses on the Perekop Isthmus, and the same army’s exploitation to Kerch and Sevastopol’.
Catalog Glantz-A-009 -- $58

Atlas of the Battle for Rostov, 5 November-5 December 1941
(104 maps, a 5-page operational summary, and 5 pages of opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains German Army High Command (OKH) Lage Ost daily situation maps depicting actual German and suspected Red Army force dispositions, blown-up maps detailing Axis operations and Red Army counterattacks and counterstrokes, and translated Soviet archival maps depicting Red Army force dispositions throughout the battle for Rostov, as well as complete orders of battle for the opposing forces as of 1 November and 1 December 1941. Graphically depicts in detail the German First Panzer Army’s offensive to capture Rostov, the Soviet Southern Front’s counteroffensive to recapture the city, and the First Panzer Army’s fighting retreat to the Mius River.
Catalog Glantz-A-010 -- $60

Atlas of the Battle of Moscow: The Defensive Phase, 1 October - 5 December 1941
(117 maps and charts). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains German Lage Ost operational and intelligence maps annotated with actual Soviet unit positions, situation maps prepared by German armies and panzer groups, and translated maps from formerly classified Soviet General Staff studies of the Battle of Moscow.
Catalog Glantz-A-011 -- $65

Atlas of the Battle of Moscow: The Soviet Offensive, 5 December 1941 - 20 April 1942
(176 maps and charts). This definitive, large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of Soviet and German archival maps covering all operational and tactical aspects of this massive operation. The charts provide unprecedented data on comparative force strengths, which contradict virtually all existing sources.
Catalog Glantz-A-012 -- $75

Atlas of the Battle of Leningrad: Soviet Defense and the Blockade, July 1941 - December 1942
(90 maps and 20 pages of orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of Soviet and German archival maps covering all operational and tactical aspects of the massive and complex operations associated with the German advance to Leningrad, the initial German blockade of the city, and early Red Army efforts to raise the blockade. Includes unprecedented detail about German operations to capture the city, Soviet counterstrokes at Sol’tsy and Staraia Russa, the defense of Leningrad, and Soviet offensive operations at Siniavino (1st and 2nd), Tikhvin, and Liuban’.
Catalog Glantz-A-013 -- $60

Atlas of the Battle of Leningrad: Breaking the Blockade and Liberation, 1 January 1943 - 15 July 1944
(100 maps and 20 pages of orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of Soviet and German archival maps covering all operational and tactical aspects of the massive and complex operations associated with Red Army efforts to break the Leningrad blockade and liberate the Leningrad region. Includes unprecedented details about Soviet offensive operations at Siniavino (the 3rd through 6th), Operation “Spark,” Zhukov’s Operation “Polar Star,” Krasnyi Bor, the Leningrad-Novgorod offensive, the battles for Narva and the German Panther Line, and the Vyborg offensive against Finnish forces.
Catalog Glantz-A-014 -- $65

Atlas and Survey, The Soviet Khar’kov Offensive, 12-29 May 1942
(A 14-page operational summary and 67 maps). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of translated maps from formerly classified Soviet General Staff materials, German archival maps, and complete daily situation maps which provide unprecedented operational and tactical details regarding this Soviet military disaster, which cost the Red Army over 250,000 men and served as prelude for the German advance to Stalingrad.
See also The Southwestern Front’s Operations along the Khar’kov Axis in May 1942.
Catalog Glantz-A-015 -- $48

Atlas of Operation Blau [Blue]: The German Advance to Stalingrad, 28 June - 18 October 1942
(185 maps and charts). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of Soviet and German archival maps covering the entirety of this ill-fated campaign. In addition to the fighting in the city of Stalingrad, the atlas includes detailed map coverage of the many failed Soviet counteroffensives in July, August, and September 1942. This atlas also graphically depicts the Red Army’s first clumsy attempts to employ its new tank armies (the 5th, 1st and 4th) in major counterstrokes near Voronezh and along the Don River and describes the fate of Red Army forces encircled in the intense fighting on the distant and immediate approaches to Stalin's namesake city.
Catalog Glantz-A-016 -- $80

Atlas of the Battle of Stalingrad: Red Army Offensive Operations, 19 November 1942 - 2 February 1943
(190 maps and charts). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains Soviet and German archival maps and composite daily situation maps detailing the entirety of the Red Army’s Stalingrad strategic offensive. It graphically depicts the initial Soviet penetration operation, the defeat of German relief attempts, the Soviet Middle Don (“Little Saturn”) and Kotel’nikovskii offensive operations, and the destruction of German Sixth Army in Stalingrad (Operation Kol’tso [Ring]). In addition, it provides unprecedented detail concerning the obscure Soviet offensive along the Chir River in early December (including 11th Panzer Division’s combat at State Farm No. 79) and the late December Soviet penetration to Tatsinskaia.
Catalog Glantz-A-017 -- $85

Atlas and Survey, Operation “Mars” (November-December 1942)
Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Defeat (43 pages of text and 84 maps). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains translated maps from formerly classified Soviet General Staff materials, German operational and intelligence maps, and complete daily situation maps. This operation, conducted by Marshal Zhukov, was the failed companion piece to operation “Uranus,” the Soviet Stalingrad counteroffensive. Soviet authorities have since covered up its existence.
See also Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War (1941-1945); Volume IV, The Winter Campaign (19 November 1942-21 March 1943).
Catalog Glantz-A-018 -- $60

Atlas and Survey, Prelude to Kursk: The Soviet Central Front Offensive, February - March 1943
(46 pages of text and 34 maps). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains daily situation maps derived from formerly classified Soviet archival materials and German archival maps providing unprecedented operational and tactical details regarding the culminating phase of the Soviet Winter offensive of 1942-1943. This failed offensive, which was designed to split the German Eastern Front, failed and has since been covered up by Soviet historians.
See also Forgotten Battles of the Soviet-German War (1941-1945); Volume IV, The Winter Campaign (19 November 1942-21 March 1943).
Catalog Glantz-A-019 -- $45

Atlas of the Battle of Kursk (July-August 1943)
(74 maps). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of daily composite situation maps, detailed tactical situation maps on a scale of 1: 50,000 prepared on translated original Soviet base maps, German operational and intelligence maps, and maps providing strategic context.
See also The Battle for Kursk: The Soviet General Staff Study.
Catalog Glantz-A-020 -- $48

Atlas of the Korsun’-Shevchenkovskii Operation (The Cherkassy Pocket), 25 January - 17 February 1944
(114 maps, a 28-page operational summary, and complete opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas contains daily situation maps and German and Soviet archival maps of every aspect of this important operation, which the Russians have termed the “Stalingrad on the Dnepr River.”
See also The Korsun'-Shevchenkovskii Operation (The Cherkassy Pocket) (January-February 1944): The Soviet General Staff Study.
Catalog Glantz-A-021 -- $65

Atlas of the L’vov-Sandomierz Operation, 13 July-29 August 1944
(107 maps and 22 pages of orders of battle and charts). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of translated maps from formerly-classified Soviet General Staff studies, German operational and intelligence maps, and daily situation maps for the entire period covering all facets of the 1st Ukrainian Front’s July 1944 offensive and its August struggle for possession of the Sandomierz bridgehead across the Vistula River.
See also L'vov-Sandomierz 1944: The Soviet General Staff Study (July-August 1944).
Catalog Glantz-A-022 -- $60

Atlas of the Soviet Far Eastern Campaign (August-September 1945)
(140 maps and figures, a 45-page operational summary, and complete opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11x17) atlas contains maps derived from original research and both Soviet and Japanese sources covering all operations the Red Army conducted against the Japanese Kwantung Army in Manchuria, as well as against Japanese forces in northern Korea, the southern portion of Sakhalin Island, the Kuril Islands, and the aborted assault on the northernmost home island of Hokkaido.
See also August Storm: Soviet Tactical and Operational Combat in Manchuria, 1945 and August Storm: Soviet Tactical and Operational Combat in Manchuria, 1945.
Catalog Glantz-A-023 -- $75

Atlas of the Lublin-Brest Operation (18 July-2 August 1944) and the Advance on Warsaw (28 July-30 September 1944)
(157 maps, a 21-page operational summary, and complete opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of translated maps from formerly-classified Soviet General Staff studies, German operational and intelligence maps, and periodic situation maps for the entire period associated with the 1st Belorussian Front’s July 1944 offensive, the front’s subsequent advance to the Warsaw region, and the controversial fighting on the eastern outskirts of Warsaw.
Catalog Glantz-A-024 -- $80

Atlas of the Proskurov-Chernovitsy Operation (The Kamenets-Podol’sk Pocket), 4 March-17 April 1944
(110 maps, a 27-page operational summary, and complete opposing orders of battle). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consist of translated maps from formerly-classified Soviet General Staff studies, German operational and intelligence maps, daily situation maps, and regional terrain maps for the entire period covering all facets of the 1st Ukrainian Front’s March-April 1944 offensive and its struggle with German First Panzer Army, which it encircled in the Kamenets-Podol’skii region.
Catalog Glantz-A-025 -- $65

Atlas of the Struggle for Stalingrad City, Volume 1: 3 September-18 November 1942
(239 maps and 50 pages of documents). This large-format (11 x 17) atlas consists of periodic and daily situation maps portraying the street-by-street fighting for Stalingrad city, the city’s factory district, and the Kotluban’ and Berezovka regions north and south of the city. It contains German and Soviet archival maps, including translated maps from the combat journals of many of the forces subordinate to Soviet 62nd Army, and selected documents reflecting opposing orders of battle, combat strengths, troop dispositions, and combat orders.
Catalog Glantz-A-026 -- $100

Memoirs of War

Memories of War: The Experiences of Red Army Veterans of the Great Patriotic War: This series contains the experiences of military veterans, men and women, officers, non-commissioned officers, and enlisted soldiers, sailors and airmen, and others who participated in this long and terrible war. These are candid, unexpurgated, and lightly edited visions of war from the perspective of those who suffered most from it. Individually and collectively, they stand as a monument to the will, endurance, and spirit of those who fought and survived.

Roads and Days by Elena Rzhevskaia, Interpreter and Translator, Red Army (72 pages).
Catalog Glantz-M-001 -- $18

The Beginning of War, Along the Vistula River, and in Silesia by Evgenii Moniushko, Junior Lieutenant, Red Army (63 pages).
Catalog Glantz-M-002 -- $18

Notes on the Polish War (1939) and the War with Finland (1939- 1940) by Mikhail Lukinov, Red Army soldier (34 pages).
Catalog Glantz-M-003 -- $16

A Militiaman at War by Vladimir Dolmatov, Sergeant, Moscow Peoples’ Militia and Red Army;”Memories of War” by Gennadi Shutz, Private, Red Army; and “The Festive Firework” by Josef Finkelshtein, Junior Lieutenant, Red Army (31 pages).
Catalog Glantz-M-004 -- $12

From Tanks to Katiushas by Simeon Aria, Sergeant, Red Army and “Columbina” by Rem Ulanov, Sergeant, Red Army (49 pages).
Catalog Glantz-M-005 -- $14

Memories by Mariana Miliutina, Senior Lieutenant and Doctor, Red Army;“Memories” by Natalia Peshkova, Guards Senior Lieutenant, Red Army; and “A Medic and Prisoner of War” by Nikolai Obryn’ba, Private and Medic, Red Army (43 pages).
Catalog Glantz-M-006 -- $14

‘Emecha’ Commander: An Interview with a Red Army Sherman Tank Commander by Dmitrii Fedorovich Loza, Guards Colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union; Memories by Semen Chumanov, Corporal, Red Army; and To War as in War by Ivan Shepelov, Guards Sergeant, Red Army (40 pages).
Catalog Glantz-M-007 -- $14

Memories by Iuri Koriakin, Sergeant-Major, Red Army and Memories by Ivan Kobets, Lieutenant, Red Army (47 pages).
Catalog Glantz-M-008 -- $14


Border Battles: Siauliai axis, 22-26 Jun 41
13 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-001 -- $7

Border Battles: Vilnius axis, 22-26 Jun 41
8 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-002 -- $4

Border Battles: Belostok-Minsk axis, 22 Jun-1 Jul 41
23 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-003 -- $12

Border Battles: Lutsk-Rovno axis, 22 Jun-1 Jul 41
25 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-004 -- $13

Battle of Smolensk, 7 Jul-3 Aug 41
25 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-005 -- $13

Khar’kov operation, 12-27 May 42
30 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-006 -- $20

Stalingrad Factory battles, 31 Aug-18 Nov 42
64 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-007 -- $40

Stalingrad counteroffensive, 19-28 Nov 42
18 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-008 -- $10

Operation Mars (Rzhev-Sychevka operation), 25 Nov- 16 Dec 42
28 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-009 -- $20

Chir operation, 6-23 Dec 42
19 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-010 -- $14

Middle Don operation (“Little Saturn”),17-30 Dec 42
21 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-011 -- $14

Kotel’nikovskii operation, 11-31 Dec 42
22 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-012 -- $16

Operation “Ring,”, 25 Nov 42-2 Feb 43
8 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-013 -- $6

Ostrogozhsk-Rossosh’ operation,12-27 Jan 43
16 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-014 -- $12

Voronezh-Kastornoe operation, 24 Jan-2 Feb 43
31 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-015 -- $20

Donbas operation (“Gallop”), 29 Jan- 7 Mar 43
58 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-016 -- $30

Khar’kov operation (“Star”), 2 Feb-23 Mar 43
20 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-017 -- $10

Orel-Briansk operation, 15 Feb-25 Mar 43
30 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-018 -- $20

Battle of Kursk, 4-15 Jul 43
56 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-019 -- $38

Orel operation (“Kutuzov”), 12 Jul-Aug 43
24 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-020 -- $15

Belgorod-Khar’kov operation (“Rumiantsev”), 3-23 Aug 43
23 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-021 -- $15

Proskurov-Chernovtsy (Kamenets-Podol’skii) operation, 4 Mar-17 Apr 44
47 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-022 -- $32

Kovel operation, 6-10 Jul 44
4 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-023 -- $2

Belorussian operation, 22 Jun-13 Jul 44
64 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-024 -- $32

L’vov-Sandomierz operation, 12 Jul-29 Aug 44
36 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-025 -- $24

Lublin-Brest operation, 17 Jul-1 Oct 44
34 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-026 -- $17

Iasi-Kishinev operation, 20-29 Aug 44
28 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-027 -- $14

Operations in Hungary, 28 Oct-31 Dec 44
61 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-028 -- $30

Vistula-Oder operation, 12 Jan-3 Feb 45
65 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-029 -- $32

East Prussian operation, 12 Jan-3 Feb 45
85 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-030 -- $42

Operations in Hungary, 1 Jan-16 Mar 45
61 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-031 -- $30

Preliminary Operations and Operations Blau I and II, 1 April-23 July 1942
53 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-032 -- $35

Operations in the Great Bend of the Don River and between the Don and Volga Rivers, 22 July-2 September 1942
57 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-033 -- $35

The Struggle in Stalingrad's Suburbs and Center City, 3 September-5 October 1942
47 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-034 -- $30

The Struggle for Stalingrad's Factory District, 27 September-18 November 1942
44 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-035 -- $30

The Battle for the Caucasus and Distant Flanks, 25 July-18 November 1942
61 maps.
Catalog Glantz-MS-036 -- $20

Purchase all five sets for $100
Map Sets MS-032, MS-033, MS-034, MS-035 and MS-036

Catalog Glantz-MS-Special -- $100

Additional Research Materials

1. RED ARMY ORDERS OF BATTLE As of the first day of each month from 22 Jun 1941-May 1945 (in Russian using abbreviations, but with basic key in English) for operating forces (fronts, armies, and separate formations), Stavka reserves, and non-operating fronts and military districts. Includes rifle, cavalry, artillery, tank and mechanized, air, engineer (sapper), and flame forces. Price -- $ 1.00 per page.

2. TERRAIN MAPS 1:250.000 scale (circa late 1970’s) for most of the European Soviet Union and eastern Europe. Price -- $ 1.00 per 8 x 11 inch copied page.

3. GERMAN HIGH COMMAND (OKH) LAGE OST MAPS Complete from 22 June through mid-October 1941, plus periodic daily maps through early November 1941 showing Axis and estimated Red Army force dispositions. Price -- $ 1.00 per 8 x 11 inch copied page (original or enlarged)

4. SELECTED GERMAN ARMY ARCHIVAL MAPS For army groups, armies, panzer groups and armies, and some army and motorized (panzer) corps (depending on availability). Price -- $ 1.00 per 8 x 11 inch copied page (original or enlarged)

5. RUSSIAN-LANGUAGE STUDIES Including Red Army General Staff War Experience Studies or Documents or other materials not covered by copyright laws. Price -- $ 1.00 per page

Check with Tom for the availability of all additional research materials.

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